Please, carefully read the terms and conditions of this agreement before downloading, installing, and any use of the fonts.
Trial License
All our trial fonts that are downloaded are for testing purposes only. By downloading any trial font hosted on our site, you agree and fully understand that the font(s) cannot be used for commercial or personal use, or any other use for that matter, other than testing. In order for the font to be used outside of this restriction, a full license must be bought.
Desktop License
Install the fonts on all computers within the same company for both print and digital projects, such as documents, PDFs, objects, packaging, merchandising, signage, and related applications. This license does NOT cover the usages of the font software for logos, trademarks, or symbols. Please see our Logo / Mark License to handle this requirement for you.
Web License
A web license, also known as a self-hosting web license, allows the use of a font in live text on a website. This is achieved by uploading the typeface to a web server and linking to it through @font-face. The pricing for this license is determined based on the number of monthly page views a website receives.
App License
An app license enables the font to be loaded into an app (either desktop application, iOS, Android or similar platform). This license is measured on the number of downloads that the application is expected to receive.
Logo License
A logo license is needed for each company logo that features the font. This license lets you use the logo in any context, including in print, on social media, web, etc. The license coverage should reflect the total number of employees of the company using the logo.